Saturday, February 18, 2012

5 Favorite Elliott Funnies for the Week

We have had a fun few days here at the Elliott house with some extra random laughs that I thought I should share since that is what I LOVE to do...LAUGH! I have a hodgepodge of stories, pictures, and videos and wasn't sure which one to share. So...I figured I would squish a bunch of my funnies in together in this one, big, random post. :-)

Grace (5) has been on this kick to help mommy clean lately. She locked the bathroom door to "clean" it for me. When she finished, she was so proud to open the door and show me. I praised her thoroughly for the beautiful job she did. I then opened up the toilet lid and saw her cleaning cloth of choice....TOILET PAPER! I looked on the mirror and there were little, white, dried pieces of toilet paper on it. The bowl was FULL of little wadded up pieces of toilet paper! It was so cute! I determined we needed another cleaning lesson after this. ;-)

Ok... do I really need to have a caption here? This picture just cracks me up!
Jonathan (almost 11 months old)

Luke (2) gets some of his words mixed up at times. He particularly gets UP/DOWN and IN/OUT mixed up. So the other day he told me it was his "Happy Bir-day" and that he was going to blow up all his candles! :-)

Ok, I wasn't sure if I should share this next one. It makes me laugh. I apologize if it offends anyone. I was rough housing and playing with my kids the other day. Isaac saw ...well, let's just call it an "opportunity." We were playing a game at the moment, where we were drawing on each other's back with our finger. So I was laying on the floor as they were drawing a frying pan and food on my back. Isaac saw my underwear and decided it was time to give Mom a WEDGIE!! He screams out obnoxiously, "WEDGIE TIME!!!" and proceeds to give me the greatest wedgie a 7 year old can give. I was screaming and laughing at the same time. Grace and Isaac burst out in giggles and must have thought that Mom actually likes this because she's laughing. So they proceed to both go at it together. Oh boy. It was quite the sight I'm sure. They learned that this is not something they will ever get to do again. But at that moment they had their fun...that's for sure!

I saved my favorite for last. My precious Luke loves to play, Duck Duck Grey Duck. He used 2 little toy men to play with. He would hold them against his back as the were "getting" him. He would squeal and laugh. it was sooo cute. I caught the last time of him playing it on video. He didn't squeal on this one but it was still so priceless!

Let me know what your favorite "FUNNY" was! :-) Until next time....Keep laughing!


  1. Definitively the Wedgie Time for Mom! LOL!!! You are so my kind of people! :)

  2. Kevin BurkhardsmeierFebruary 19, 2012 at 7:04 AM

    Love your family and all you do to remember these moments. Very precious!
