Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shiny Hands!

So I am at the computer today and Grace hollers, "MOM!!!! Come look at Luke! He has shiny hands!" I thought, "Oh no! Why in the world would Grace think he has shiny hands?!?!" So I go over to see my beloved son with an almost empty (THANK GOD) container of Vaseline! Luke was taking the Vaseline and rubbing it all over his chest and neck. Apparently he thought this is what you are supposed to do with slimy stuff since Daddy had put Baby Vick's on his chest the night before. Obviously, I immediately took it away and Luke says, "Missss...misss." (Mess...mess) Yeah you better believe your a mess kid! I gave Grace the just about empty container of Vaseline and asked her to go throw it away. I got Luke cleaned up and noticed later on that Grace's bang's looked kind of wet. I couldn't figure out why in the world her bangs would be wet. Then it occurred to me that it wasn't wet. It was GREASE. Yeah... Vaseline grease!!! Come on now...seriously? So I asked her if she put Vaseline in her hair and she said she did. I asked her why. She said, "When I was throwing the Vaseline in the trash some got on my hands so I just rubbed it all over my face like this..." She proceeded to show me how she rubbed Vaseline everywhere on her forehead.  The best part about this is that my kids ALWAYS seem to know that the best time to get "missy" is the first 24 hours after they've been bathed. I am very fortunate it didn't get more in the hair. Moral of the story...well...there's lots I'm sure...but I'm going to have it be...THROW AWAY VASELINE CONTAINERS THAT YOU HAVE TO SCRAPE TO GET SOMETHING OUT OF!!!


  1. this reminds me of a little girl 30 years ago who put whit Desitin all over her eyelids like eye must be genetic! Ha! Love mom

  2. Levi dips his fingers in Desitin jar and fingerpaints all over Melody's arms, stomach, legs when she sits on the toilet. When Harmony and Dereck were little, they smeared margarine all over crib, dresser, panelling on walls, and each other. Took several baths to get the grease out.
