Friday, February 18, 2011

Sun Stand Still

OK so the long anticipated car story!!! (Well, really not that long but it was fun to say anyways). I’m not quite sure to even know where to begin.  Well, we were in need of a different car because Chris’ car has just about 200,000 miles on it and we have been plugging a lot of $ into repairs lately. It’s been a great beast of a car for us but I personally believe it’s on its last leg.

The current car
Now, every year we get a tax return and use the money for whatever our current needs are. 2 years ago we purchased our van, last year we used it for schooling for Chris and Isaac as well as many other needs. Well, this year our main need is that our roof needs to be replaced, and again, as well as many other things. One of the desires of our heart is to be able to send our kids to Morning Son (a private Christian school here in town). However, people with our type of income don’t send their kids to that school. Isaac has had a wonderful experience there and we absolutely LOVE IT! Next year Grace will be in Kindergarten and Isaac will be in 1st grade. After looking at our tax return it doesn’t seem possible that we’d even be able to send one kid to the school much less two. But we said, “If it’s God’s will for them to go there then they will go there. If not, then He’ll show us exactly how he wants us to educate our children.” OK, moving on. Now upon being in our recent Life Group called “Sun Stand Still,” we are challenging ourselves to believe God for the impossible and have audacious faith. (Obviously, the example this is taken from is Joshua- when he asked God to have the sun stand still for a day) During the previous meeting, (which happened to be the night before) many ladies shared what their “Sun Stand Still” impossible prayer was. So, I shared the desire we have of where to send our children for school, but ultimately that we want what God wants for us whatever that may be. That night we prayed that if it’s God’s will for one or both of the children to attend this private school that God would provide a financial miracle for us.
Yesterday during nap time I hear this LOUD bang on the door. I was a bit irritated because whoever this was obviously didn’t realize it was nap time and that I still had one kid sleeping. The person opens the door and hollers, “DANIELLE ELLIOTT!!! YOU’RE THE WINNER OF AN OLD CAR!!!” I start laughing and see that it is my brother at my door. He is standing there trying to hand me his key as I am trying to grasp what’s going on. He had just bought my dad’s car from him and decided his car wasn’t worth the hassle of selling and that he knew we needed another car. Now, his car is nothing special. Here it is:

OK so you’re going, “Ok Danielle, why are you excited about this? This is no upgrade from the beast?” Well, it is to us. Yes this car is a bit of an eyesore as well…BUT…but, but, but… it has 3 (yes don’t ask me why only 3) new tires on it. AND it has about 90,000 less miles on it. And I THINK it will be better gas mileage too. Yes, it’s FILTHY inside and needs a few minor repairs such as the trunk being fixed. Right now it’s held down by a bungee cord!! LOL! That’s my dear brother for you. But what’s so neat is 1) God provided a car for us that we believe will last us longer than the one we currently have…like hopefully at least a year! LOL!  And 2) We can sell our car and use that money to have part of the tuition that is needed to send 1 of our kids to Morning Son!! YEAH!! And, if for some reason it’s not in God’s plan for our kid/s to go one more year at this school we have plenty of other things to use the $ for…which I’m sure you all can understand. My husband is driving it today to give the real verdict. I’m hoping it’s a good one J
So there you have it people! God is good all the time! And here's a shout out for all my ladies in my life group….SUN STAND STILL BABY!!!


  1. Verdict: it is no upgrade from the luxury Buick which has power EVERYTHING, cruise control and a decent 6 cylinder engine *zoom*, but if the Buick isn't going to last much longer, it is nice to have something a little more reliable. I personally don't think the Buick is going to die any time soon though. It has a few minor irritating flaws such as a constant dinging because it THINKS the ebrake is on and a piece of plastic hanging from the front bumper that I haven't crawled under the car to remove. I'll have to continue to weigh the pros and cons.

  2. love it! kids can always come to our school! :)

  3. That's cool that Adam gave you his old car!

